The Boston Bolts possess more than 37 years of experience in bringing the world’s game to communities across Massachusetts. As a club, we consistently develop exceptional soccer players who are prepared to compete at the collegiate, national or professional levels. We focus on providing our Bolts players with the highest quality soccer resources, superior technical curriculum, competitive athletic programs and personal growth opportunities that support a successful future. With Bolts teams located across Massachusetts, we have regional options that are close to you! Attend one of our upcoming tryouts for your chance to join the Bolts for the 2024/25 season!
Boston Region Tryouts
Register for 2025/2026 Summer Tryouts Below
Saturday 6/7
9-10:15am - 2013 Boys
10:45-12pm - 2012 Boys
12:30-1:45pm - 2011 Boys
2:15-3:30pm - 2010 Boys
4-5:15pm - 2009 Boys
5:45-7pm - 2007/08 Boys
The tryout will take place at Curry College (1071 Blue Hill Ave, Milton, MA 02186)
Date: June 7th
Times: 2018/2019s - 12:30pm - 1:30pm
2017s - 1:30pm to 2:45pm
2016s - 2:45pm to 4:00pm
2015s - 4:00pm to 5:15pm
2014s - 5:15pm to 6:30pm
Location: Umass Mt. Ida - Turf Field
All Tryouts take place at UMass Mt. Ida in Newton, MA
June 8 | 10am-11:15am - 2018
June 8 | 10am-11:15am - 2017
June 8 | 10am-11:15am - 2016
June 8 | 11:30am-12:45pm - 2015/14
June 8 | 11:30am-12:45pm - 2013/12
June 8 | 1pm-2:15pm - 2011/10
June 8 | 2:30pm-3:45pm - 2009-2007
Metro North Tryouts
Register for 2025/2026 Tryouts Below
All tryouts will take place at Minuteman High School, Lexington, MA
Monday 6/9
5-6:15pm - 2017/18 Boys
6:45-8pm - 2016 Boys
Tuesday 6/10
5-6:15pm - 2015 Boys
6:45-8pm - 2014 Boys
Wednesday 6/11
5-6:15pm - 2013 Boys
6:45-8pm - 2012 Boys
Saturday 6/14
9-10:15am - 2011 Boys
10:45-11:45am - 2010 Boys
12:15pm - 1:30pm - 2009 Boys
All tryouts will take place at Minuteman High School, Lexington, MA
Monday 6/9
5-6:15pm - 2017/18 Girls
6:45-8pm - 2016 Girls
Tuesday 6/10
5-6:15pm - 2015 Girls
6:45-8pm - 2014 Girls
Wednesday 6/11
5-6:15pm - 2013 Girls
6:45-8pm - 2012 Girls
Saturday 6/14
9-10:15am - 2011 Girls
10:45-11:45am - 2010 Girls
12:15pm - 1:30pm - 2009 Girls
2pm - 3:15pm - 2008/07 Girls
ECRL & South Shore Tryouts
Register for 2024/2025 Fall Tryouts Below
For more information please contact South Shore Region Director
For more information please contact Boston Region Director Dave Leahy at
Merrimack Valley Tryouts
To learn more about how to join the Boston Bolts Merrimack Boys Program please contact James David at
To learn more about how to join the Boston Bolts Girls Program please contact Director Shane O' Sullivan at
USL Academy & Central MA Tryouts
Register for 2024/2025 Fall Tryouts Below
For more information please contact Central Region Director
Western MA Tryouts
Register for 2025 January Tryouts Below
All tryouts will take place at AllSport Arena, 54 Old Ferry Road, Northampton, MA
2015, 2016 - 1/7 & 1/14 | 5:00-6:00pm
2014, 2011 - 1/8 & 1/15 | 6:00-7:00pm
2012 - 1/8 & 1/15 | 5:00-6:00pm
2013 - 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 | 6:00-7:00pm
2009 - 1/8, 1/15, 1/21 | 7:00-8:00pm
2008 - 1/8, 1/15 | 7:00-8:00pm
All tryouts will take place at AllSport Arena, 54 Old Ferry Road, Northampton, MA
2016 - 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 | 6:00-7:00pm
2015 - 1/6 & 1/13 | 6:00-7:00pm
2014 - 1/7 & 1/14 | 5:00-6:00pm
2013 - 1/8, 1/15 | 5:00-6:00pm
2012 & 2011 - 1/7, 1/14 | 6:00-7:00pm
2010 & 2009 - 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 | 7:00-8:00pm
2008 - 1/7, 1/14 | 7:00-8:00pm
North Shore Tryouts
Register for 2025/2026 Tryouts Below
All tryouts will take place at Choice Fitness Elite in Peabody, MA
2015 Boys - Fri, 5/23 at 5-6pm
2013/2014 Boys - Fri, 5/23 at 6-7pm
2016-2018 Boys - Wed, 5/28 at 5-6pm
2011/2012 Boys - Fri, 5/30 at 5-6pm
2009/2010 Boys - Fri, 5/30 at 6-7pm
All tryouts will take place at Choice Fitness Elite in Peabody, MA
2015 Girls - Fri, 5/23 at 5-6pm
2013/2014 Girls - Fri, 5/23 at 7-8pm
2016-2018 Girls - Wed, 5/28 at 6-7pm
2009-2012 Girls - Fri, 5/30 at 7-8pm
NAL Girls ID Centers
To learn more about upcoming ID Centers and how to join the Boston Bolts NAL - Girls, please contact Director Shane O’ Sullivan at
MLS NEXT & National Academy League
The Boston Bolts strive to develop world-class professionals by providing elite, driven youth players with an environment that empowers them to reach their full potential. Our MLS NEXT & National Academy League programs set high standards that ensure every player trains in a world-class environment and consistently competes in competitive games to optimize player development.
Today, the Boston Bolts remain a top contender nation-wide in both league competitions and continue to develop and promote its players to the highest levels of collegiate, professional and national team status. Our U11 & U12 Academy teams participate in the Northeast Academy League.
Interested in joining our MLS NEXT program? Contact Sean Napier at
Interested in joining our NAL program? Contact Sam Matteson at
Interested in joining our MLS NEXT program? Contact Sean Napier at
Interested in joining our NAL program? Contact Sam Matteson at
Interested in joining our MLS NEXT program? Contact Sean Napier at
Interested in joining our NAL program? Contact Sam Matteson at
Interested in joining our MLS NEXT program? Contact Sean Napier at
Interested in joining our NAL program? Contact Sam Matteson at
National Academy League - Girls
The Boston Bolts NAL - Girls team sits at the top of our player development pathway and provides highly-competitive opportunity for female Bolts players.
The Boston Bolts will play in the New England conference of the NAL, providing players looking to develop within a national level platform with opportunities to consistently compete against elite clubs all along the east coast. The Bolts will be represented in the NAL across the U13 (2012) to U19 (2006/07) age groups.
To learn more about how to join the Boston Bolts NAL Girls Program please contact Director Shane O' Sullivan at
To learn more about how to join the Boston Bolts NAL Girls Program please contact Director Shane O' Sullivan at
USL 2 & U23s
The Boston Bolts USL League Two team sits at the top of our player development pathway and provides a professional and highly-competitive opportunity for Bolts alumni and other talented players (age 18+) who currently play at top colleges and universities around the country.
USL2 continues to maintain its heritage as providing premier competition in an authentic national soccer environment. It is the gateway to stardom for those who prove they belong and have the desire to advance into the professional ranks, providing more than 70 percent of the players selected in the MLS Super Draft over the past 10 years.
For more information on upcoming USL2 Tryouts, please contact our USL2 Coaching Staff at
For more information on upcoming U23 Tryouts, please contact our Director of Recruiting, Sam Matteson at
Friday, May 31st: 5:00 - 6:30pm
*All Tryouts Hosted at Minuteman HS, Lexington