


The Coach will always be the Role Model for the team and needs to uphold the CORE values of the Boston Bolts, the Team and themselves at all times;

  • BELIEF (believe that hard work, commitment, development and strong personal character lead to success on and off the field; believe in the potential of each athlete)

  • OPPORTUNITY(provide environment and situations for players to achieve, and demonstrate excellence to propel the individual player toward future collegiate, national team, or professional opportunities)

  • LEARNING (create the atmosphere and provide the curriculum that teaches excellence in all aspects of the game and personal growth)

  • TEAMWORK (develop a humble, synergistic, like-minded team of which all members are valued and can contribute to the greater good)

  • SUCCESS (create an avenue toward a successful future on and off the pitch)

Additionally, the Coach is expected to familiarize themself with the Player and Parent Code of Conduct and enforce the expectations set forth therein.

General Expectations

1.0 The Boston Bolts are a highly reputable and professional organization that provides players with soccer development and personal growth opportunities to achieve excellence both on and off the field.  Coaching with the Bolts is a privilege and an honor and coaches and staff are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting that honor. At all times coaches are representing the Boston Bolts and are expected to uphold the excellence in conduct expected of a Bolts coach.  Coaches must be aware of and enforce the player, parent, and coach code of conduct at all times.

1.1 Coach misconduct toward fellow coaches, staff, players or parents  (i.e. foul language, cursing, verbal or physical bullying, use of racial slurs, exhibiting threatening or abusive language or actions, etc.) in any Bolts activity (e.g., training sessions, match days, administrative or other Bolts event) will not be tolerated.  Additionally Bolts coaches exhibiting misconduct outside of a Bolts activity or event including any infractions unbecoming to a Bolts coach, may result in suspension or dismissal from the Club and is at the complete discretion of the Bolts Executive Team.

1.2 Coaching Is a Position of Trust.  At all times as a Boston Bolts coach, I will serve as a positive role model for my players and will maintain personal integrity and dignity at all times.  I will develop mutual trust with every player, and treat all with fairness.

1.3 Be a Role Model Beyond Soccer.  Soccer is a great opportunity to teach players positive values in life.  Conduct yourself in a similar manner, have a positive attitude, do not use profanity, spit, make obscene or crude gestures, use racial slurs, exhibit abusive or threatening language or gestures, engage in or encourage inappropriate behavior or conduct at any point.

1.4 Create a Fun Environment Where Players Develop as Individuals.  Strive to make every session a fun and positive learning experience.  Players should look forward to coming to training and leave happy.

1.5 Be a Teacher.  Being a coach is first and foremost a position to teach.  I will strive to teach all players the technical, tactical, physical and psychological components of soccer.  In doing so, I will also have the players take responsibility for their own development and actions.

1.6 Implement the Boston Bolts Club Philosophies.  The Club’s primary goal is PLAYER DEVELOPMENT. THAT MUST INCLUDE ALL PLAYERS.  Coaches need to ensure that practice sessions are focused, well-constructed and meaningful, and appropriate for the level and age of the players.

1.7  Create Consistency and Clarity.  Prior to the season, set the standards you require from the players for training sessions and games as well as off-field behavior.  Be clear and concise. Let them know training sessions are first and foremost for learning. Be consistent in the handling of issues.  Do not embarrass or negatively criticize a player in front of his or her peers. Never demean or isolate a player for criticism in front of the other players. Always provide constructive feedback. Be consistent with all players at all sessions including consistency with disciplinary actions.

1.8  Enforce Sportsmanship.  Uphold the highest levels of sportsmanship and fair play at all times.  

1.9 Create an Environment of Respect .  Show respect at all times to everyone we are in contact with – Players, Parents, Opponents, Referees and Officials.  Tolerate nothing less from your players.

On Field Expectations

2.1 Timeliness.  Coaches should always arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival of players for a training session or event, and 15 minutes prior to scheduled player arrival time for games, to ensure adequate time for organization and session set up.

2.2  Session Preparation. For every session delivered the coach should always ensure that a written session plan is designed following the Boston Bolts Curriculum.  All plans must be completed within stipulated timelines.

2.3 Dress Code.  Coaches must always wear current Bolts coaching or other Bolts uniforms when conducting a training session and games.

2.4 Equipment.  Coaches should always ensure that they have the correct equipment to deliver the session. The equipment must be organized and clean.  Balls should be inflated. Pinnies must be washed weekly. Coaches are responsible for the care and maintenance of all gear the used for training and games.

2.5 Safety.  Coaches should always provide a safe playing environment for every session. This includes checking the playing field for potential hazards, ensuring goals are weighted down and that every player safely leaves the session with an approved guardian. No player should ever be left on their own. Coaches should ensure they have key emergency contact numbers including those of ALL players.

2.6 First Aid. Coaches should ensure that they have the basic first aid supplies at hand and that they are aware of the correct first aid procedures.  Coaches must ensure players have appropriate gear to play or practice, proper cleats, etc. Shin guards are mandatory.

2.7 Adhere to Rules.  Coaches should be fully aware of the rules and regulations of any leagues or  tournaments that the teams/groups play in.

2.8   Referee’s Call Is Final.  A Boston Bolts coach should never question the decision of a referee under any circumstances.  Coaches may speak with the referee in a calm manner at half time or after the game. Any discussions that are in any way confrontational are not acceptable.

2.9  Uphold Core Values.  A Boston Bolts coach should always embrace the values of positive coaching and ensure that fair play, sportsmanship and the laws of the game are always adhered to.  When coaching a game – sit where possible.

Off Field Expectations

3.1 Ambassador of the Club.  As a coach, your conduct reflects on the Club.  A Boston Bolts coach should place the needs of the Club above those of any specific team.  At all times you are representing the principles and philosophies of the Club and are an example to all Bolts players.

3.2  Equitable Treatment.  Coaches need to avoid creating a scenario where any one member of the parent body receives additional or preferred access to the coach, including members of the Boston Bolts management team.

3.3 Wear Badge with Pride.  Boston Bolts coaching uniform should only be worn when coaching or representing the organization at a session, game or event, or business activity.

3.4 Professional.  Coaches should NEVER consume any amount of alcohol on the same day that a coaching session is being performed. Coaches should not be seen wearing any Boston Bolts uniform when consuming alcohol.  In addition, coaches should NEVER coach with signs of previously being under the influence of alcohol.  It is forbidden. NO SMOKING or consumption of recreational drugs.

3.5 Continue Learning.  Coaches should be students of the game and make a commitment to professional development as an ongoing process.